Let's Talk About Faith


Rebecca Chamaa

[Original Post Date: May 12, 2021]

Let's talk about faith.

For me, it is the stitching sewn tightly in some areas and loosely in others that holds me together. I might have a dangling toe or open thigh without it. It doesn't mean that I never have doubts. I do, but I move over, above, or around them. People can't knock my faith down into a well where I can't retrieve it. It is more like the way sunshine moves across the room as the day progresses.

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Let's talk about faith.

It is my lifeline, my rope, my jacket puffed up and floating in deep water. It saves me over and over again. If tragedies or health scares or anxiety or worries were stones on my back, faith would be a chisel that could break them all loose.

Let's talk about faith.

It isn't always in the treetops where birds gather and sing songs, possibly of praise, that in a forest only God and the angels can hear, along with the animals that live among the trees and bush. Sometimes faith is beneath my feet. Something I tread upon, put my weight on, and darken with the sole of my foot. Not always lofty, sometimes lowly.

Let's talk about faith.

It can get inside the negative scenes and words that play inside my brain and washes them, so they come out looking cleaner, brighter, and with the possibility of a glimmer of hope. Hope - something else to talk about one day - a gem, a jewel, a treasure in my tool kit of thoughts and the spaces in my heart.

Let's talk about faith.

Some people diminish it to fairytales and wishful thinking, and I used to argue with them until I realized faith is the place where logic stops, the ledge you jump off of when mathematical equations and laws of nature end. Faith is the place in the universe for all the unknowns, all the mysteries, beginnings, endings, and in-betweens. When I reach that ledge and take that leap, faith is also the parachute that opens perfectly every single time and allows me to gently float without the tug of gravity winning until a time when it is safe to put both feet back on the ground.

Let's talk about faith...

today, tomorrow, and next week. It's a conversation that moves me in the direction I want to go.